The American people ( and Rockefeller as well) had been taught a tragic lesson in the consequences of industrial despotism and absentee capitalism. 美国人民(洛克菲勒也是一样)由于工业专制主义和遥控资本主义,得到了一次悲惨的教训。
Meanwhile, by1830, Europe had gone through the Industrial Revolution and entered the period of Capitalism. 是时,欧洲在1830年后完成了工业革命,进入资本主义阶段。
Guan Zi s theory on autocratic monarchy expounded in his Degree of Seriousness; The American people ( and Rockefeller as well) had been taught a tragic lesson in the consequences of industrial despotism and absentee capitalism. 论《管子》轻重篇的君主专制主义思想美国人民(洛克菲勒也是一样)由于工业专制主义和遥控资本主义,得到了一次悲惨的教训。
The second industrial revolution happened during Engels'later year, and the capitalism begun to transfer from the stage of free-competition to the stage of manipulation. 恩格斯的晚年资本主义国家发生了第二次工业革命,开始了由自由竞争阶段向垄断阶段的过度。
The common character-istic of Populism in broad sense was to believe and advocate "people", fight against worship of cul-ture with" worship of common people ". Based on village commune, Russian populism affirmed that industrial capitalism ought to be transcended by Russian agricultural socialism. 俄国所有各派别即最广义民粹主义的共同特征,是信仰和崇尚人民,以平民化崇拜反对文化崇拜;民粹主义是利用村社这种农业社会主义形式去超越工业资本主义的历史阶段的思潮与运动。
Crisis of modernity indicates that industrial civilization and capitalism will definitely be superseded, and human race will embrace ecological civilization. Therefore the crisis of modernity has turned into the impossibility of everyday life. 这是因为,现代性危机说明工业文明和资本主义都是必然被超越的,人类将进入生态文明;
After the Industrial Revolution, the main capitalism nation entered the industrialization ages. The billowing current of capitalism industry civilization and the colonial depredation rolling up the world found the new era of world economy trade. 工业革命后,主要资本主义国家进入了工业化时代,资本主义工业文明的滚滚洪流和席卷全球的殖民掠夺,开创了世界经济贸易的新纪元,以英国为中心的世界贸易体系形成了。
In other words, the two major threads that reflect the novel's industrial theme the anti capitalism plot and the anti Utilitarianism plot interact with each other from the beginning to the end, thus ensuring the symmetry of the novel's artistic structure. 换言之,小说中体现工业主题的两条情节主线反资本主义情节和反功利主义情节始终形成了互动,因而小说的艺术结构基本上是匀称的。
The protective factory legislation were the outcome of the combination of industrial capitalism and family paternalism, which encumbered the improvement of women's statues. 贯穿于工厂立法始终的英国社会的主流女性观念,其实质是工业资本主义与家庭父权制的结合,它阻碍了妇女社会地位的根本提高。
It is found that the inherent power to form the industrial revolution is the spirit of capitalism. 本文通过比较得出结论:促成工业革命的内在力量是追求资本积累的内在动力&资本主义精神,资本主义精神构成现代经济增长的内因。
These theories revealed the logical relationship between the formation, development of world history, industrial civilization of the western capitalism and the civilization of oriental socialism, integrity of world history, the road of socialism development with Chinese characteristics; and provide us powerful theoretical support. 它为我们揭示世界历史的形成发展以及西方资本主义工业文明与东方社会主义文明、世界历史的整合与中国特色社会主义文明发展道路之间的内在逻辑关系,提供了强大的理论支持。
They not only shared the profits of foreign industrial capitals, but alao gained the profits of domestic industrial capitals and feudalistic commerce. Thus, the development of commercial capitalism was relatively prosperous. 商业资本家最先登上湖南的历史舞台,由于既可分沾外国产业资本的利润,又能获得国内产业资本和封建商业的利润,从事商业的人们较多,商业资本主义相对繁荣。
Besides, we can't neglect the problem of property right institution when the theory of industrial organization, which was born in the economics institution of capitalism, is used on analyzing a transition economy. 另外,西方产业组织理论以自由竞争的资本主义市场经济制度为基础,在将其运用到转轨经济国家的分析时,不能忽视产权这一独特的制度因素。
The second chapter demonstrates the relationship between ecosystem crisis and the industrial civilization of capitalism, of which the varied harm is discussed, points out that the system of capitalism is the origin of the ecosystem crisis by using Marxism Theory. 第二章论述生态危机与资本主义工业文明的关系,运用马克思主义理论指出了资本主义制度是生态危机的根源,展开论述了资本主义工业文明的种种弊端。
Furthermore, Weber explained that the physical environment and its change had deep influences on the history of China, and the physical environment was another important factor for China not to develop industrial capitalism. 韦伯进一步揭示了自然环境及其变迁对于中国历史进程的影响,阐释了自然环境状况也是中国未能发展成为工业资本主义的另一症结所在。
With the global expansion of industrial capitalism, the system of nation-state has already expanded to every corner of the world. 随着工业资本主义的全球扩张,民族-国家体系也已经扩张到全球的每一个角落;
Industrial Revolution and Capitalism Spirit: Two-Sector Growth Model 工业革命与资本主义精神:两部门的经济增长模型
From the 17th to the 18th centuries, the western big powers aggravated aggressive activities to Asia, Africa and Latin America in order to satisfy the needs of their industrial capitalism and expand the places of raw material and the commodity markets. 17~18世纪西方列强为了满足本国工业资本主义的需要,为了拓展原料产地和商品市场,加剧了对亚、非、拉等地的侵略活动。
Traditional financial Das Kapital and financial control of the combination of theory described the combination mechanisms and the integration process of industrial capital and financial capital during the period of forming monopoly capitalism. However, too much emphasis was given on the negative effect of the combination. 金融资本论、金融控制论等传统产融结合理论阐述了垄断资本主义形成时期产业资本与金融资本的结合机制与融合过程,但是其过度强调二者融合带来的负效应。
According to the thesis, the traditional socialism modal is a response to the social productive development characteristics in the stage of industrial capitalism. 本文认为,传统社会主义模式是对工业资本主义阶段社会生产发展特点的回应。
When we look back the history of the Enterprise Management Theory, we can found that Institutionalized Management and Standardized Management are the result of the development of the Industrial Revolution and Capitalism economy and technology. 从企业管理发展史来看,制度化和标准化管理是工业革命和资本主义经济、技术发展的结果。
After the middle of the nineteenth Century, with the promotion of Western industrial revolution and capitalism, the Western spiritual culture and material culture was affecting the whole world gradually, whose power expanded widely and permeated deeply. 19世纪中期以后,在西方的产业革命、资本主义的推动下,西方的精神文化与物质文化逐渐影响到全世界。而且其影响力不断扩张、不断渗透。
Who was a generator of agricultural modernization in England, Landlord, merchants or industrial capitalist? This dissertation argues that Agriculture was a foundation of capitalism of England and the well-to-do peasant initiated the agricultural capitalism and became a backbone in agricultural society. 英国农业现代的启动者是领主、商人还是工业资本家?本文认为,农业是英国资本主义的基础,富裕农民是农业资本主义的发动者、农村社会的脊梁。
Although Das Kapital was based on industrial capitalism, Marx revealed the secret of capital and its historical limits. 《资本论》的历史语境虽然是工业资本主义,但马克思同时揭示了资本一般的秘密及其历史界限。
Exactly on the meaning of history consciousness, the whole worldly capitalism has common quality in the sense since the Industrial Revolution of England; anc it is updated that Marx criticized capitalism in the essence; and Marx belongs to our era. 正是在历史时间的意义上,英国工业革命以来的整个世界资本主义运动具有某种同质性,马克思对资本主义的本质批判才没有过时,马克思才依然是我们的同时代人。
From the mid-19th century, the second Industrial Revolution in the European and American countries came into its bloom, and capitalism developed from its free competition stage into its monopolized stage. 从19世纪中叶开始,在欧美国家爆发了第二次工业革命,资本主义的发展从自由竞争阶段发展到垄断阶段。
This is modern industrial capital in Shanxi Province is abundant, relative to the size of the first national capitalism in coal mine enterprises, Shanxi coal industry to the mechanical and half mechanization mining start. 这是山西近代工业中资金比较雄厚、相对成规模的第一个民族资本主义煤矿企业,也是山西煤炭工业史上进入机械与半机械化采煤的开始。
Mining system is accompanied by a 19th century industrial capitalism and the development of continuous improvement, the total has gone through three phases. 矿业权制度是伴随着19世纪资本主义工业的发展而不断完善的,共经历了三个阶段。
With the exploring of the great discoveries of geography, industrial revolution and the colonial expansion of capitalism, as an important part of western culture, Western-style food has gradually been spreading in the globe. 随着新航路的开辟、工业革命的进行与资本主义的殖民扩张,西餐作为西方文化的重要部分,逐渐在全球推广开来。